Monday, January 16, 2017

Science Update

It has been awhile since I have posted about science so here is what you may have missed!

The Water Cycle

After our last TEKS check, scholars began to learn about the water cycle. Scholars have been learning about the water cycle for years so this was not a new concept for them. We began learning how the water cycle does not always happen in a perfect "circle." Each scholar was a water droplet for the day and travel around to different places depending on the number they rolled. A lot of scholars spent a great amount of time in the clouds of in the ocean. It was good for them to see it is not always a perfect cycle starting with evaporation, and going full circle perfectly. 

After spending some time reviewing all the stages of the water cycle, scholars had to prove to me what they had learned. We partnered with second grade and our scholars we tasked with making a product to teach a second grader about the water cycle. In paris, they could make anything from a stop motion video, music video, coding game, diorama, comic book, or even a play. It was exciting to see my scholars have a chance to be creative while learning the water cycle. When second grade starts their water cycle here in a month or so, we will be sharing our products and hope to help our second graders out. 
If you never saw your scholars project, have them show you! (I'm not sure how to get them on here!)


Right before winter break, our scholars started our unit on weather. In fourth grade, scholars are expected to be able to look at a weather map and be able to make predictions based on that weather map. We focus on types of fronts and how they move. Weather is always an exciting unit for scholars because it is something that is very real to them. It was fun to watch it snow and how their conversations included cold fronts and weather symbols.

The past week, scholars spent time creating a weather map of their own and they had the opportunity to give a three day weather forecast based on the map they created. It was exciting to see scholars so excited about weather and have fun using the green screen! Check out our BlendSpace of all the different videos.